16 April 2006

These Delight Me So

There's just something about these blog things that bring sunshine to my life.
Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Lil' Pearl Rambler

We're off to throw the ball around. What a great day for it too!! Jess, I'm having a hard time going to sleep ever since you've been gone. I keep creeping myself out thinking the clothes in my closet are moving...turns out as the fan circulates air it effects the movement of lite articles of material in the vacinity...oh and how is it that the house only creeks and moans at night? The foundation doesn't settle until you've almost gone to sleep...and then EEEEEEEEEEEKKK MRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG...and I'm awake and the light is on and the Bible is in my hand.

Seriously you've reduced me to an infant. COME HOME AND CHECK FOR MONSTERS UNDER MY BED PLEASE!!!!!?!?!?!?!?
And call me Lil' Pearl.

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