18 April 2006

Me and My Opposable Thumb

Inspired by the ability to carry a plate and a mug of tea while turning off a light switch. How very fantastic the thumb is and vital to our everyday routine. Without it we could not twiddle our thumbs while we wait. Thumb wrestle young children. Give a thumbs up for a job well done (or in some cultures a job done-not-so-well). or measure things by the RULE OF THUMB. Whats more is we would be at a loss as to what to call that peninsula of Michigan that juts into Lake Huron...The Thumb! (Such a daunting name). Further without the opposable Thumb we might never had the comical genius of Thumb Wars , Thumbtanic, and other films along those lines.

But speaking of twiddling thumbs, did you know that thumb twiddling is an expression of which hand is dominant to the person? The weaker handed thumb will "follow" the dominant handed thumb in twiddling. But this can also test a person's manual dexterity.

Another fact about the thumb is that it is considered the first digit on your hand...either one. Which explains why some people, when they begin counting with their fingers start with the thumb for one and not the pointer finger. I personally am a Number One Pointer Finger Person. But enough about me...let's talk about you...

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