19 February 2007

BenJAMIN's Top Ten for 2006

1. We Moved into a house(well, It was technically on January 1st 2007, but we made the arrangements in december) We are renting from a brother and sister who moved to New Orleans to run one of the hubs down there. They will be there until June

2. New Car. new to me at least. I bought Jonathan's ex, Baxterina, and in so doing was able to see all my family and friends in Spokane yet again.

3. I drove across washington state 4 times- to Kennewick and back, to spokane (in July to deliver my precious Lumina to My sister Roberta aka Robi. I drove back with my parents because I was carless), and back to Bellingham from spokane (two days after My # 1 took place. All of these trips I took solo (the driving home with my parents doesn't count because I didn't even touch the steering wheel. I guess you could say that I rode)

4. I took the bus over winter break to Visit My best friend in the whole world, James. Snoqualmie pass was all snow, so I didn't want to be at the wheel in blizzard conditions. that was fun because It was my first time actually being IN walla walla since april of '05. Looooooong time no see.

5. My mom went to pioneer school (It was a highlight for me because of how much fun she had, and how many new friends she made all throughout our circuit

6. My first experience with Indian Food (Punjabi Cuisine). A sister in our hall returned after a while of only preaching with the Punjabi group. Upon her return, mom promptly befriended her. While in Pioneer school, mom met some others who were in the Punjabi group (it's in marysville, about 1.5 hours south of Bellingham). The sister invited Our family and a few others over to her house. We (everyone there) danced to Punjabi music and had Tsomoltsas, deep fried potato pouches...excuse me while I drool at the thought of more indian food... yumm. we also had curry chicken. It was AWESOME. I can't wait until it happens again

7. We had a record month in November. 12.5 inches of torrential rain in 2 weeks, 60+ mph winds(that's just the sustained wind. we had gusts of 70+), 3days that half of Bellingham was out of power, 2 feet of snow over thanksgiving weekend(which resulted in 4 snow days and the extending of the school year until the end of june), and Record colds(I'm talkin wind chills below Zero, which means rain turns into Ice before it hits the ground!)

8. The convention in Kennewick(I saw my cousin James for the first time in 4 years, and he is doing great now)

9. I bought an XBOX. Then I sold it. yay

10. I was given a 27 inch TV for free. It's heavy, but It has faux surround sound and Stargate Looks AWESOME on a big screen.

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