20 April 2006


Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them out just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.

OK so that's a run on sentence, but what it lacks in punctuation, it makes up for in eloquence. And we can forgive it's failure and welcome the fact of the statement. How many times have we put our foot in our mouth? How many times have you practically seen the words come off your lips and in the next second you were chasing after them-trying to put them back? Or rearrange them to fit your intention and meaning because they threaten to wreak anarchy upon the conversation and perhaps upon a friendship?

Sometimes you can get away with it if your friend can take your embarassment and set you down on comedic ground where it's not so shaky ... and where you're able to determine where you stand. PHEW! Got thru that one! And now we'll look back on this with much fondness and laughter.

Isn't it funny that when we say all the WRONG things, it's usually when we're meant to say all the RIGHT things...if there's reason to impress someone or be on our best behavior. Hence, coming to this realization, I just hope to be met with merciful ears and discerning minds. Among other things, it's the stupid things that endear us to others. We all do them, we all are mortified by them, and cringe at their remembrance. Then again, we may see it happening to someone else and find it's not so bad afterall. In fact it's rather charming.

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