The beginning of this story starts when I stepped into the DiBartolos' conversion van Thursday last week. Jess had just returned home from her second trip to England this year, and as it was work was piled upon her, making it impossible for her to get to the Book Study. However she already had attended the Group in England. Therefore it was just me joining Mike and Andrea in the "DiBart-mobile".
Stepping in, Andrea hands me a grocery bag with a white dressing slip she was giving me and a folded piece of paper. I glance in the bag and say, "Oh thank you! I need a slip!", then stare harder as I see the words "Bethel Family Guest Room Confirmation Notice". The reality dawning on me as the words drop in my mouth, "Hey! What's this?" and I take the form in my hands to gawk in amazement.
"NO WAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WHEN IS APRIL 25th?" as I found Jess' and my names.
"It's this Monday night and then Tuesday night-until Wednesday morning". (Mike Dibartolo)
"No WAY! THIS IS SOOO COOL!!!" (stunned I've forgotten my manners) "THANK YOU GUYS!!" (that's better). And the rest of the conversation was mostly salivating and awe-struck expressions. It felt like the time Brother Dies handed Jess and I tickets to Annual Meeting (October 2004). A long time desire was at last on the immediate horizon.
Oh but the surprise only got better and better. Mike unraveled the events that were scheduled for those days. Monday night, we would attend the regular Monday night Bethel Family Watchtower study. This was a big first for me-Jess has been before but still how fun is it to go to Watchtower study with the WHOLE U.S. branch?! However Monday evening was a special treat. The memorial talk for Brother Dan Sydlik was to be given just before the study. Then following the study, was to be Gilead Introduction, when each new student couple is interviewed. I can't wait to tell you some of the experiences (in the next post).
But that's not Mike kept going. We are also invited to Morning Worship both Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Another huge first for me- I'm not sure if it was Jess' first time but I'll ask. The added special treat to this was that Jess and I were able to have breakfast with a Governing Body member and his wife Tuesday morning- as the Dibartolos are assigned to the same table as Brother Cary Barber and his wife Sydney. While Jess and I have "met" them both a number of times, at conventions, on Bethel Tours, at Bethel lunch-it was still such a joyous privilege to associate with them a little between bites of French Toast and passing the milk. We also enjoyed the company of Sister Rose Lubeck- "a lifer" at Bethel. Perhaps you've met her before with her dear sweet (and tall) husband Joe Lubeck. Such a sweet and faithful sister!
And Wednesday morning (this morning) was Morning Worship and breakfast at the same table again-minus the Barbers this time. However a special report was given-the details of which I'll share tomorrow or Friday.
I could hardly wait for Jess to get home to show her the form. WOO HOO! Now it's been and gone-but there's so much more to tell about it, so stay tuned. There were some really nice experiences from Gilead Intro and the Special Reports that I'm sure you'll all enjoy.
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