See if you can add any more onto this:
1. When there was a grading system on the Written Review to indicate how well you did.
2. When the Circuit Overseer considered the "Continue In The Things Learned."
3. When all Elders and Ministerial Servants only wore white shirts. You better not come out with a colorful combination.
4. When the Watchtower and Awake were black and white or the first color Watchtower [extra credit-what was the cover pix?]
5. How about when Return Visits were called Back Calls.
6. Auxiliary Pioneering was first called Vacation Pioneering and then Temporary Pioneering.
7. Instead of a Body of Elders, we had ONE Congregation servant over the entire Cong.
8. The Theocratic Ministry School was called the Ministry School, Theocratic School, and then back to Theocratic Ministry School.
9. The Kingdom Ministry went to being called the Kingdom Service and then back to the Kingdom Ministry
10. There was a 15 minute intermission between the Public Talk and the Watchtower Study.
11. The Circuit Overseer was called the Circuit Servant?
12. Regular Pioneers put in 100 hours per month and Auxiliary 75!
13. Bibles were green?
14. Songbooks were hot pink?
15. How about the CLOSED BOOK Baptism questions from the Lamp Book??
16. Regular Pioneers getting food coupons courtesy of the society to pay for their noon meals at the Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions
17. The Watchtower and Awake Magazines were 5 cents, 10 Cents, or 25 cents?
18. The Reasoning Book was brand new? [Extra credit if you can remember the 2 cover colors of the predecessor - Make Sure of All Things]
19. You had to purchase food tickets at the conventions and assemblies to get lunch?
20. The Circuit Overseer sometimes gave a slide presentation at the Public meeting.
21. What about the red "Youth" book? [Extra Credit- if you stood up at the YPA release and got your own copy before your parents... did you share?]
22. My Book of Bible Stories was one of your favorite publications? [What was your favorite?]
23. Better yet when the My Book of Bible Stories was released at the convention?
24. District Conventions were 8 then 5 then 4 days long and it was dark when you left?
25. The ice cream machines, puddings, danishes and strong coffee at assemblies. [Extra credit if you didn't spill any pudding on your clothes]
26. Hoagies!!!!! [Again what was your favorite; chicken on a bun; silver bullet burrito; what was left in the cooler because you were too late to have a choice??]
27. The national average for regular publishers in the US for time spent in field service was always more than 10 hours?
28. There were only 3 million of us worldwide and we were thrilled by that great crowd?
29. You got baptized in symbol of your consecration to Jehovah?
30. We called un-baptized publishers approved associates?
31. You gave your first talk on the Theocratic Ministry School? [Double extra credit if you can remember your topic or scripture or still have your original notes...OK, if you still have your notes you've got to get a grip!]
32. The Kingdom Ministry had a section "Topic for Discussion" for Field Service?
33. You gave a presentation in the field ministry for the first time?
34. The YPA articles in Awake before the book?
35. Jesus' Life and Ministry" was a series in the Watchtower? (Became Greatest Man)
36. You used the Aid to Bible Understanding (Aid Book) to get insight on the scriptures"?
37. The Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson was just a plan? [Extra credit if you visited when it was just the "booth" overlooking the site!]
38. Ministerial servants weren't in their teenage years when they got appointed?
39. The daily text was in the yearbooks. [And you kept them on your bookshelf for years because of the cool colors, especially the 'metallic' ones]
40 When congregations were legally segregated in the South. [Or better yet when they were united]
41. Divorce was almost unheard of in the organization?
42. When publishers paid a specific price for literature and only pioneers got their literature for free or discount
43. If you remember the orange book, "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained?" [extra credit if you colored the line drawings!]
44. When music for the song was either played on the piano by one of our dear older sisters (the only one who knew how to play the piano)! Or we sang to music provided by not a CD but an album played on a record player! And every congregation had the servant who just couldn't get the needle on the correct song on the first try!!!
45. When book studies were called Rendezvous Groups or Points.
46. When pioneers reported their time directly to the Society as it was called then.
47. The first drama [extra credit if you remember what Bible story it dealt with]
48. When Bethelites weren't allowed to get married and stay in Bethel [Extra credit if you remember Br & Sr Schroeder getting accepted with their 16 yr old boy!]
49. When Bethelites had to sign up to stay in Bethel for FOUR years, NOT one year. [extra debit if you left Bethel on the Mayflower before the 4 years were up...]
50. When any sister (or even some brothers) would take you in the back and "discipline" you if you needed it
51. When just looking at pictures in Babylon the Great book scared you into behaving.
52. When all Kingdom Halls had windows and folding chairs
53. Or even when KHs were store fronts.
54 Some special donated food at the convention that you got tired of after x days? [describe]
55. When you had to be at convention at 5 a.m. to make sandwiches for friends.
56 When you worked in cleaning at district convention you wore a big giant badge that said " REFUSE HANDLER"
57. When they announced specifically why someone got disfellowshipped not just "because of conduct unbecoming a Christian" or "so and so has been disfellowshipped"
58. When Public talks were 60 minutes and now they are 45 minutes [extra credit if you gave one of those 60 minute talks]
59. When Watchtower Farm had outhouses (extremely clean but still outhouses).
60. Having circuit assemblies that would start on Friday evening and end on Sunday and usually held in elementary school auditoriums with butt-numbing seats. [Extra credit if you got to sit in a chair with the built in writing table]
61. Having a 5th student talk whereas now we have 4.
62. The circuit overseer residing at the friends home.
63. Field service on Saturday afternoons at the District Assemblies so the newly baptized ones could go out.
64. When someone was actually declared "Bad Association" from the platform.
65. The first full color Watchtower
66. There were two drama presentations at the conventions?
67. When you heard Brother Franz give a talk without notes. [Extra credit if you caught him misquoting a scripture...cuz that was almost never!]
68. When Bethel consisted of the 125, 104, 107 and one factory building
69. When Gilead was way upstate New York and if you knew a Bethelite you could go up there and stay for the weekend.
70. When you had to go to two conventions because you got nothing out of your own because you worked so hard at your assembly.
71. Sisters joining the theocratic ministry school after our International Convention at Yankee Stadium in 1958.
72. The Towers hotel became part of Bethel. [Extra credit if you've been to the top and scanned the NYC skyline]
73. Pioneer sisters arriving each morning at Brooklyn Bethel for 2-3 weeks to assemble the yearly calendars so the friends could enjoy them.
74. We had District conventions at Belmont Racetrack and Yankee Stadium or any large outdoor sports stadium.
75. Central Park talks on Sundays before the children returned to school. [Were you there when Br Swingle gave his classic "Christianity or Christendom - Which?" talk and helped all 5000 in attendance pronounce it correctly Kris - en - DUMB!]
76. Gilead students assigned to local congregations that met on Friday nights.
77. Before the "hot pink" song books there were the paperback green" song books [Extra credit if you can sing at least one verse out of that green songbook that we no longer sing]
78. Only Bethelites as servants in the congregations, until the local brothers were trained to be servants in the congregations.
79. The special call that went out for all to meet at Yankee Stadium to listen to Bros. Stanley Jones and Harold King who were just released from prison in China. It was a cold windy day, but their heartwarming experiences kept us warm.
80. Using the "Qualified to Teach" or "Equipped" book in the TMS.
81. Pioneer sisters were all brothers were looking for.
82. When moustaches were first acceptable in the US.
83. Ministerial Servants or elders were all sisters were looking for.
84. LOCAL Congregations gave bus rides to Bethel or the Farm and had a picnic at Bear Mountain.
85. When we studied with people for years yet never dedicate themselves or get baptized.
86. When we advertised talks for district convention with body placards. [Extra Credit if you played a phonograph or presented your sermon on a 3"x5" card]
87. When we ALWAYS went out in field service BEFORE the book study on Tuesday. It was almost required.
88. When you went to the Watchtower Farm you could help out with the harvesting and keep some of the produce.
89. When you heard Brother Knorr give a talk. [Extra credit if you heard one of the society's radio programs]
90. Giving the #2 student talk with intro, conclusion. reading a few Bible verses and explaining them and then going on.
91. If people wanted to learn the history of Jehovah's people you gave them "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose." I remember it being like a play. There were names like John and Mary, and the whole book was dialog between them about Jehovah's Witnesses.
92. Since I am letting my age out, I remember the song book BEFORE the pink one. My FAVORITE song was called Consecration (or Dedication).
One verse went: Take my feet and take my hands, let them serve your wise commands. Take my heart and bring it lord, with your will in full accord. Take my life, may ALL I do -- be well-pleasing, Lord to you.
93. Carrying over the shoulder cloth bags with Watchtower and Awake 5 cents on them. [Extra credit if you still have one of the printed plastic bags used for special service during convention]
94. Apostates used to walk out side the conventions with blow horns and chained themselves to large poles.
95. Birthday books printed by the society and even celebrated Christmas [OK, that goes way back!]
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